Consultant Hydroinformatics and operational systems at DELTARES USA INC - Silver Spring, MD, US
Deltares USA, Inc is a US not-for-profit organization closely aligned with Stichting Deltares in the Netherlands. Deltares USA is based in Silver Spring Maryland USA and has extensive experience working with operational hydrological systems: users of our software are NWS, BPA, TVA and many other water authorities. The Stichting Deltares (website: is the Dutch national water institute with a long history in practical water research dating back to the 1930's. Throughout the world, the expertise of the approximately 800 Stichting Deltares employees enables safe, clean and sustainable living in river basins and coastal areas. Deltares does basic research, develops innovative products, pools knowledge with others, and makes the results available to the world community. Deltares advises governments and the private sector and uses its expertise to make sound and independent assessments of the physical conditions of river basins and coastal areas. At this time Deltares USA employs six people to oversee projects in Canada and the United States. The close link between Deltares USA and the Stichting Deltares allows Deltares USA to meet the complex needs of advanced operational systems and implement the latest simulation and optimization technologies.