Self Employed at Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians - Ashland, OR, us
The Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians (H.A.N.P) is a specialty society within the profession of naturopathic medicine, and is affiliated with the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.Our purpose is to further excellence and success in the practice of homeopathy by naturopathic physicians and provide a vehicle for outreach into both the naturopathic and homeopathic communities.HANP activities include:1. Encouraging the development and improvement of homeopathic curriculum at naturopathic colleges. 2. Publishing the annual journal of homeopathic practice, Simillimum. 3. Hosting case conferences. 4. Offering homeopathic continuing education seminars. 5. Working with the homeopathic community on issues of Common interest. 6. Offering board certification in classical homeopathy to qualified naturopathic physician