As a regional not-for-profit opera company, Southern Ontario Lyric Opera (SOLO) seeks to advance the public's appreciation and enjoyment of the arts by providing high-quality performances of classical operatic works. We want to bring the world of opera to diverse audiences – the young, who have not yet been exposed to opera; the passionate opera lovers, who know many operas well; the seniors, who enjoy experiencing operas that they may or may not have heard earlier in their lives.SOLO provides our supporters with the opportunity to invest in the community, and to be recognized as supporting the arts in their area. Supporters will be given the visibility that they richly deserve, in the form of recognition in our printed programs, on our website, and in social media to which SOLO contributes. We intend to create several levels of recognition of our supporters, from Corporate Founding Sponsor through Sustaining Sponsor, all the way to individual "Friends of SOLO".Striving to Promote and Inspire a Deeper Understanding and Passion for Opera