Operativ markedsassistent / Digital rådgiver at INEVO - San Polo di Piave, Veneto, Italy
We provide clever solutions to inject plastic materials for the smart mobility and everlasting moulds for automotive lighting systems. We're the heirs of 30 years' experience of the tooling division of INglass S.p.A., designing and manufacturing high precision injection tools for the plastic industry. Thanks to our 360° know how, we are a strategic partner in different markets such as automotive lighting, glazing and exterior, high quality smart and functional surfaces for the automotive as well as for the household industry.Each molded part embraces a new challenge. We work with you step by step, from the initial concept to an accurate process simulation through rheological analysis until the final prototype. With our team of Gold Certified rheology experts, we study the design feasibility and provide strategic improvements to obtain the best result in terms of quality, cost and productivity.Our technicians are on your side during mould installation and during the whole lifetime of the tool. Technical hotline is available 24/7 to support in case of any unforeseen scenario during tool finetuning and part production. We may take care of the periodical refurbishment of the tools in our highly skilled lab.The results: 15+ SE activities/year, 100+ injection tools / year with an export share of 80%+ and 5.000.000+ parts produces / year.