Senior Rating Analyst at Creditreform Rating AG - Neuss, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Creditreform Rating is one of the leading rating agencies and is registered with ESMA. As part of the Creditreform Group, we have been providing high-end solutions for the assessment of credit risks for more than twenty years. Issuers use our ratings to gain the confidence of their prospective investors. Banks and financial service providers benefit from our outsourcing solutions for loan processes and rely on the analyses of our risk management solutions.In addition to its ESMA registration, Creditreform Rating has also been registered as an EU rating agency in compliance with Directive 1060/2009 and our corporate and structured finance ratings have been mapped by EBA and assigned to the respective credit quality steps. Therefore, our ratings can be used for solvency II purposes.Specialization:Specialist for the assessment of credit risks• Rating (corporates, issues, covered bonds, structured finance, sovereign)• Credit services (collection and analyses of balance sheet data, quantitative rating system)• Market analyses (determination of regional risk structures, industry and portfolio analyses)• CRAS - Country Risk Assessment Score (assessing country risks worldwide) For rating orders, please contact us: more information about CRAS Rating AG Legal Notice: