Fish Pool ASA is authorised by the Ministry of Finance to operate an international, regulated marketplace for trading of derivatives within fish and seafood. We offer financial salmon future contracts. Oslo Børs ASA owns 97 % of the shares in Fish Pool ASA. Fish Pool ASA does not offer physical trading of fish or salmon. We only deal with financial contracts, and all of our contracts are cleared. Clearing services are operated by our cooperative partner, Nasdaq Clearing. The prices for Atlantic Salmon are highly volatile and represent a continuous risk for all parties involved. Fish Pool creates predictability in the salmon market. A financial contract works independent of the physical delivery of fish. The basis of this concept is that a buyer and a seller – with Fish Pool as intermediate – agree on a price and a fixed volume for a future delivery. When the contract has come to the realization period, the buyer and seller will either receive or pay the difference between the agreed contract price and the average spot price (measured as Fish Pool Index TM).