Banaskantha District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Limited known as Banas Dairy is a cooperative organization established in the year 1969 under the Gujarat Co-operative societies Act 1961 with the support of NDDB as a part of their Operation Flood Program launched to bring about white revolution in the country. Banas Dairy manufactures a large number of dairy products under AMUL, SAGAR and BANAS brands. Our product range includes Amul Pasteurized Milks, Amul longer Shelf Life Milk, Amul Butter, Amul Ghee, Sagar Ghee, Amulya Powder, Sagar Tea and Coffee Whitener, Sagar SMP, Amul SMP, Amul Shakti Powder, a wide range of Amul Ice Creams, Banas Peda, Banas Tea etc. We also provide a large number of technical inputs to over 1.8 lakh farmer households, which are organized through 1200 odd Village level Cooperative Milk Societies. Banas Dairy is a member of Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF). Which is India's largest food products marketing organization. It is a state level apex body of milk cooperatives in Gujarat which aims to provide remunerative returns to the farmers and also serve the interest of consumers by providing quality products which are good value for money. The products of dairy are marketed through Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation, Anand.