Ameyem Geosolutions Pvt. Ltd. is a India based company with its main office Located in Hyderabad, Telangana. Ameyem started its operation in 2017 and within less time span it dealt with numerous small and medium projects. Ameyem provides efficient software tools for G&G service and operating companies specifically developed to suit the needs of the company. Ameyem provide Geophysical services such as Seismic Interpretation, prospectivity maps generation, analysis and volumetrics estimations. We also provide most advanced services like Machine learning applications in Oil & Gas Industry. Our client requirements and their work is foremost priority for us. Projects:For Cairn India, there is ongoing POC for Well Log Splicing Tool, which is nearing completion. The tool is being developed in python, where user will get spliced log automatically when he selects the folder containing las or dlis files of different runs and suits. User can select what are the process need to be run ahead of starting the splicing process (Duration: 1.5 month, Year 2018)For Borewell Engineering Rock Drill Industries, providing Vertical Electrical Sounding Interpretation and report preparation for ground water exploration in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. A toll has been developed for interpretation and vertical cross section in Python. (3 districts or 200 VES locations completed, Duration: 2018-Ongoing)For EyeCube solutions built a tool for Automatic Digitization of hard copy scan of Seismic shot gathers. Where it uses Machine Learning to track the signal on the image.For Bhugarbho provided Quick Seismic Interpretation service. (3 days, 2018)For R2V Tech, provided ASCII 2 segy conversion of digitized data. (2016-2017)For an individual generated petrophisical logs from raw well logs using Machine Learning.