E.CA Economics is one of the leading European competition economics consultancies, advising law firms, companies and authorities in the fields of competition policy and regulation. This includes work such as mergers, antitrust or state aid cases and economic analyses within regulatory procedures as well as studies on competition policy issues for international organisations. Our international team of over 40 economists works in a wide variety of sectors and in numerous European jurisdictions. Our offices are based in Berlin, Brussels, London and Munich. We contribute substantial value to our clients by providing tailor-made advice built on robust economic analyses and thorough research. As a partner of ESMT Berlin, a leading business school in Germany, E.CA Economics can draw on the latest economic research. On transatlantic cases, we work jointly with our US partner firm, Bates White LLC. E.CA Economics has been named in Global Competition Review's annual ranking of the Top 21 consultancies for antitrust economics advice since 2008.