Asisten Jasa Psikologi Universitas Diponegoro at Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Diponegoro - Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Plan for the establishment of the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Diponegoro has been started since 1980, which was realized by accepting a number of Bachelor of Psychology as lecturers who were placed in several faculties within Diponegoro University.Psychology Study Program of Diponegoro University officially became the Faculty of Psychology on April 24, 2007 with the issuance of the Diponegoro University Rector's decree Number 28/SK/J07/2007 concerning the Establishment of the Faculty of Psychology. The legal basis for the change of status becoming a faculty was further strengthened by the issuance of the Decree of the Minister of National Education Number 65 Year 2009 concerning the Organization and Work Procedure of Diponegoro University. Starting from October 2, 2009, the Faculty of Psychology is the 11th faculty in the Diponegoro University. The first dean who was elected later was Drs. Karyono, M.Si.In 2007, Drs. Darmanto Jatman, S.U., who had retired at that time, was confirmed as the first professor of the Faculty of Psychology, Diponegoro University. From his thoughts, the pioneering vision of the faculty regarding family-based psychology, especially Indonesian families, began to be raised and socialized.