We worked behind the scene for last few years. We were developing the assets and vision for us. What do we want? Is it only money? Then why not go for a job in "good company"? No, we wanted something beyond money. We believed that money is a default and obvious by product which will follow automatically if we prove the worth of it. We started our journey. A journey to the root of our culture and history - hidden in texts beyond the "best selling" management books at the airport stand. Simultaneously there was another journey to the center of the computer. A journey through Colorspace, Font, Unicode and representation of language in digital format, AI and communication. Finally, we arrive at the vision. A vision to transform India and build the soul of Digital India not in photoshop but at the core. We believe that the digitization of a nation can not be based on core products developed, nurtured and controlled by somebody else. We have big IT service companies who feel happy about dollar scoring better against rupee. If we piggy back our digital transformation with help of business solutions and core IT products like ERP, CRM, SCM, Image processor or OS, digital India will only exist in symbol in photoshop. We have an ambitious vision to be the soul of digital India. We want to build core Indian products based on Indian practices and culture. And we are starting with the basic - developing an Indian ERP based on ROC defined template of chart of accounts as per section 129 schedule 3 and incorporating the Indian taxation systems like GST etc. The heartbeat of the Indian society is the MSME sector. Traditionally it is them who have provided the large scale employment supported millions of families and yet nobody cared to help them by providing a biz solution. It is the need of the hour today and we aspire to make an ERP purely for Indian MSME sector. I request all of you to please visit our site and share your thoughts. https://ganeshbiz.com