Part gaming community, part content site, Start 2 Continue is an incubator for creative, entrepreneurial, and teamwork-oriented people. For us, gaming is a passion and life is the most hardcore massive multiplayer game any of us will ever experience. If life's a game, you should play it well, right? But what does that mean exactly?As a gamer, you're already familiar with grinding to get what you want and where you want to go. How many hours have you sunk into your favorite games in the name of better loot, more gold, higher levels, or a stronger empire? The law of grinding applies to the real world too.People you see as successful have invested time and energy out-of-game the same way gamers do in-game. But the real world's risks and challenges are daunting and fearsome; there's no reset or checkpoints or alternate save files. Take comfort though, adventurer. You're not alone. Start 2 Continue was made to help others looking for questing companions to take on life's obstacles.We want to create a place for creative people — whether business owners, freelancers, hobbyists, or anything in between — where they can hang out, play games, network, collaborate, and share what they're doing. Maybe you need help getting started on a project or want to show off some videos you're making. Maybe you're just looking for a place to unwind at the end of your day. Whatever your reasons, our community is filled with interesting characters who just want to play games and build things together.We are content creators who love to make things and entertain people.We are entrepreneurs and freelancers who love to solve problems and bring value to people.We are community and team leaders who love to bring people together.We are gamers… and we love to win.(Start 2 Continue is a web domain owned and operated by Roc Feather Media, a Washington-based limited liability company)