In 1974, Karl Stevens established a sole practice specializing in large-scale urban design and commercial projects. Jane Burgess founded her practice in 1978 and focused on smaller heritage, residential and interior design projects where she could always be involved in a very hands-on manner throughout the construction phase. In 1984, Karl and Jane combined their resources to create Stevens Burgess Architects, a firm that would offer expertise in projects spanning a broad spectrum of scale, use and complexity. In 2002, the growing firm offered partnerships its key contributing staff members. Kelly Gilbride and Paul Surtel became partners, thus ensuring the continuance of a partner's personal care throughout each project.In addition to a full range of professional services in heritage conservation, SBA provides architectural design, interior design, and urban planning services. SBA enjoys a high level of trust with their clients and with the various levels of government and authorities. We have had the opportunity of establishing a working relationship with the following heritage authorities: the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada, the Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office, the Ontario Heritage Foundation, Ontario Ministry of Culture, Ontario Historical Society, and the Toronto Preservation Board. From each of these organizations SBA has been able to learn different heritage asset management skills.Every successfully delivered project is the result of the combined efforts of the client's input and our professional response. SBA utilizes teamwork to include and engage every stakeholder, client and consultant in the creation of a project in order to arrive at the best solution possible.