Ergonomics/Human Factors Research Assistant at Saturn Ergonomics Consulting - Auburn, AL, US
Saturn Ergonomics delivers innovative ergonomics technology solutions. We operate at the intersection of innovation, application, and research. Published multi-task evaluation models applied for clients include - RCRA, Recommended Cumulative Recovery Allowance (Gibson & Potvin, 2016)- MAE(IS), Maximum Acceptable Exertion for an Isolated Subtask (Gibson & Potvin, 2017)- Fatigue Failure (DUET, LiFFT, and The Shoulder Evaluation Tool) models developed by Auburn Univerisity (Gallagher et al, 2017-2020)Modern multi-task ergonomic evaluation models have tremendous advantages over older single-task models (i.e., STRAIN Index, RULA, consultant risk assessment tools, etc.). Advantages include- Ability to identify tasks/sub-tasks making the greatest contribution to ergonomic exposure metrics. Older single-task models provide a single evaluation metric for the job/station as a whole. Modern multi-task models pinpoint the specific parts of the job that need to be fixed. We help you maximize the value of every dollar spent toward ergonomic solutions.- Ability to demonstrate incremental improvement of solutions. Multi-task models have the analysis resolution necessary to calculate the incremental benefit/value of each solution, whereas conventional stair-stepped (high, mod, low) risk assessment metrics often result in sub-optimal decision-making. We make it easy for your team to make the right decisions.- Calculate a daily ergonomic exposure dose, enabling the development of optimal job rotation plans. In many industries, the rotation in effect IS the job.- Forecast the ergonomic-related impact of near-term changes to operational parameters such as cycle time, make/model mix, working overtime, etc. Saturn Ergonomics is rapidly enabling clients to address ergonomics in a forward-looking manner.Contact us for training, evaluation, or to make a transformative leap in how your organization applies ergonomics. It's time to get results!