License: Finance Minister Decree No.680/KM.1/2017Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) Fiantonius, Asthon & Nathaniel (FAN) is established on June 6, 2017 based on deed of establishment No. 32 of Robby Leo Selamat, SH, MKn. FAN consists of certified public accountants (CPAs) which have extending experience and knowledge on areas of Audit, Corporate Governance, Finance and Tax. FAN-CPAs is a merger between certain sole proprietor accountants become an allied accountants. It is intended to response the fast changing business environment and the related regulations, principles and even laws. So that as an allied rather than a sole individual, we will be able to sustain the pace of the said dynamics circumstances. Attestation (reasonable assurance and limited assurance):• General Audit,• Historical Financial Information Review,• Prospective Financial Information Audit,• Internal Control on Service Organisation Review,Non attestation:• Agreed Upon Procedures,• Financial Statements Compilation,Tax:• Monthly and Annually Tax Return,• Corporate Income Tax Review,Corporate Governance:• Internal Control Testing and Review,• Financial Standards Operating Procedures Review,• Merger and Acquisition,Training and Improvement:• Accounting Principles,• Finance,• Tax,• Internal Audit,Other services in accordance to the best of our Client's need Address : Griya Kencana II Lt. 1 & 2 Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto No. 7E Sudimara Barat, Ciledug Tangerang, 15151Telp: 021 - 731 4989Fax: 021 - 731 4988website: