In today's world, it's all too common for teens to make bad decisions. Even the best kids – perhaps some you know and love – can lose their way. For 30 years Lifeline for Youth has brought hope and healing to thousands of families suffering from substance abuse, depression, family relationship problems, criminal behavior, school problems, pornography, out-of-control and other destructive behaviors that prevent youth from being happy and successful. We help both teens and their families make positive changes for life.Lifeline for Youth was founded in 1990 by a small group who were concerned about the growing scourge of teen addiction – and the alarmingly high rate of relapse associated with traditional treatments. Over the years, Lifeline has grown to be a strong force in the community. Lifeline serves families whether they live locally or across the nation. It now has provided treatment to thousands of teens and their families and is poised to help more people in more ways than ever before.