x-OvO Limited is a specialist avian diagnostics company engaged in the development and commercialisation of multiple technology platforms designed to enhance biological performance and animal welfare in commercial poultry production systems. The company is based in the United Kingdom and holds a global exclusive distribution agreement with the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie in Italy (IZS Venezie), OIE and FAO reference laboratory for avian influenza and Newcastle disease. The agreement encompasses the commercialisation of existing diagnostic reagents and collaboration on novel diagnostic projects to bring new reagents to the market place.The company provides a full range of diagnostic HI and AGID antigens and sera for the major avian diseases.The company markets the FLOCKSCREEN PCR line of real time PCR kits, featuring enzyme technologies provided by Qiagen, primer/probe sets supplied by Operon and positive viral controls manufactured by IZS Venezie. The line includes the FLOCKSCREEN AI-4 PCR Kit, with the ability to detect group A avian influenza alongside H5, H7 and H9 subgroup detection featuring simultaneous reaction kinetics. In September 2007, x-OvO Limited acquired the FLOCKSCREEN ELISA product line from Guildhay Limited and now markets this along with rest of their diagnostic portfolio globally. The products feature highly purified antigens custom manufactured by IZS Venezie.In addition to diagnostic antigens and sera for all the major avian diseases, x-OvO Limited provides technical support in the form of PCR diagnostics and sequencing including epidemiological analyses to several multinational pharmaceutical companies.The current client base extends globally and involves the supply of diagnostic products and services to poultry producers, governments and global disease control organisations involved in notifiable avian disease control with particular emphasis on the current H5N1 avian influenza pandemic