Our mission is to provide customers and our employees with freedom, independence, and safety. We do this by inventing better mobility aids that give people the tools they need to Age In Place At Home. We develop products that help millions of people over 55 years old who are planning on aging in place at home, and we help them do it without having to resort to major and expensive remodels, or moving from the home they raised their family in. Stander products are designed to solve many of the mobility and stability issues that people face in later years without having to tear their house apart, spend their life savings, or move to a place they don't want to live. Stander’s products fit perfectly into any company’s top down selling strategy since they are among the highest quality products sold in the market. And we back that statement up with a sweeping guarantee on all of our products. We understand the new marketplace where retail principals and cash and carry strategies are becoming a critical piece of any successful business. We harness that expertise and apply it to the ingenious products that we develop, and the training that we provide to stores.