We are the folks behind many fantastic conferences, meetups and training events in Australia. Our conferences are:- Australian Testing Days (AusTD) : http://australiantestingdays.com- Australian Test & Tech Automation Conference (ATTAC) : http://attac.tech- Quality Software Australia (QSA) : http://qualitysoftware.com.auThe meetups that we organise are:- Test Engineering Alliance Melbourne (TEAM) : https://www.meetup.com/TestEngineeringAlliance/- Delivery Leadership : https://www.meetup.com/impactful-leadership/Trainings:- Rapid software Testing (RST) with Michael Bolton (Developsense.com) or James Bach (Satisfice.com)- CommuTication with Damian Synadinos (www.ineffable-solutions.com/)- Agile Automation with Rob Sabourin (AmIBug Inc.)- Productivity, Time Management & Leadership training by Glenn Tranter- Agile and Agile Testing training by Rajesh MathurWorkshops:- Agile- Scrum- Project Delivery- Brainstorming Techniques