Mud and Lotus Consulting is an organization dedicated to creating work/life spaces for people to repair and restore systems. We are also highly skilled at guiding culturally responsive workspaces and and empowering people to apply culturally responsive skills to other areas of life. We are experts in realigning human systems. Our strategy is to assess your organization and find leverage points in the system to increase workforce retention, inclusive practices that benefit all, provide skills for problem solving, and create high levels of productivity; leading to workforce satisfaction.This work is not a surface solution, it is a complex cultural shift that requires everyone to do the work. It is also deeply satisfying and will create a workplace which allows for adaptive solutions to dynamic problems employers face today.We also provide facilitated conversations and one on one equity counseling. Not only are we systems experts, we work with organizations to mediate conflicts and increase understanding of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Doing this work will shift your entire organization into a place of learning, thriving, and growing.