Children's Minister/Financial Secretary at St. Andrew Lutheran Church - Centreville, VA, US
Volunteer administrative assistant at St. Andrew Lutheran Church
We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), and worship Sunday mornings, 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM. We provide a host of activities for young families, youth, adults, men and women alike, including Vacation Bible School each summer. During the school year we have Christian Education for all ages. Outreach and service is a major focus of our congregation Our mission at Saint Andrew is to welcome all people, to grow in our relationship with Christ, and to serve the Lord. We are located amidst the trees on the corner of Braddock Road and Cranoke Street at 14640 Soucy Place, Centreville, Virginia. Please visit our website at, and follow us on twitter (@StAndrewLC) and Instagram (standrewlc). We also can be liked on facebook.