"Businesses do not want services, they want profits" Arin & Human drives transformational revenue growth for clients using marketing solutions driven by meaningful insights, Customer Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence.Most often than not, CMOs approach multiple vendors to solve their creative, digital medium and analytics needs. The three vendors work in silos to solve the same issue – Revenue Performance. When a communication strategist works on a campaign, he/she is devoid of the strategic management and analytical approaches. When a digital agency approaches lead generation, it misses the holistic view. When an analytics company tries to solve an issue with the help of data science and AI, it often misses considering important data or feels helpless in gathering clean and relevant data.All the while, the brands pour in a lot of money and get just marginal competitive advantage. Arin & Human brings customer analytics, Technology (AI, ML, DL) & Creative forces together and looks at the bigger issue holistically. Our team comprises of data scientists, creative thinkers, designers, engineers, marketing strategists, and digital marketers.