Our services have been set up with both Community and Corporate /. SME Business in mind. E2E (Experience-2-Employment) Engaging long or short term unemployed individuals by placing them into work experience opportunities with ideally local businesses. Our work experience candidates are in thw whole work ready for a variety of skilled positions and offer an opportunity for local Buisiness to Benefit in the following ways: a) Contribute to the community by creating Work Experience Opportunities through CSR PROJECTS b) Gauge suitability through work experience/placements of Candidates and potential to be future employees c) Contribute to reducing levels of unemployment by increasing employability prospects of unemployed people Work experience Candidates are likely also to be college/university students or graduates through to mature individuals or single parents. Our emphasis is to provide as far as possible locally based and interested individuals RIOS (Resource Identification Outsource Service) Recruitment services focussed on identifying Contractor resource or Permanent talent within a vast array of Industries and Sectors and for a similarly extensive list of professional skills. McKenzie Friend Services A Communtiy service enabling support for litigants representing In Person within Disputes and/or Court Proceedings