Safa Group is a successful trading house with extensive experience acquired over the years, supplemented by reliable supply sources and trustworthy customer base to meet the requirements of the current business challenges. Safa Group specializes in Food Stuff Distribution Operations by focusing on its brand, strategic partners, customer and consumers to ensure their total satisfaction through creating professional management and marketing. Throughout the years we have successfully established a large and wide business network worldwide. Adding value to regular import has helped us execute the idea of re-export. Our efficient outsourcing department import goods from New Zealand, Malaysia, Thailand, Holland, Egypt and GCC Countries. Our Objective of Achieving Market Leadership in Food Stuff Industries is widening the network to more neighboring countries and ensuring the highest level of customer satisfaction.We have expanded our scope of service and are presently re-exporting Safa products to Sudan, Tanzania, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Uganda, Iran and GCC countries. In addition to dealing in a wide range of premium brands, export and distribution of essential commodities like Cooking Oil, Milk Powder are placed on top of our Portfolio of services.