Marketing And Business Development Coordinator at Ayras Logistics Private Limited - Delhi, Delhi, India
Delivering Secure, Hassle-Free, and Time-Bounded Services under One Roof.We are licensed customs house agents with customs approved bonded warehouses and temperature regulated cold rooms. Established in 1992, Rajnish Parti & Co. now is known as Ayras Logistics Pvt. Ltd. Became a corporate advocacy enterprise and pioneered the entry of some of the world's largest corporations into the country. We are based on the philosophy of the Focal Point Management Model where every client's needs are treated as unique and deserve individual strategies. Our Services: Logistics (Import and Export), Warehouse (Custom Bonded Warehouse, and General Warehouse), and, Temperature regulated Cold Rooms (Custom Bonded Cold Room and General Cold Room). Our Client's Industry: Automobiles, Aviation, Chemicals, Food and Drinks, Life Science, Pharmaceutical, Retail, Sugar, and Telecommunications. Together with our clients, we have made a strong global presence. The countries in which the HQ's of our clients are: France, India, Japan, Spain, and The United States of America. We respect and value our culturally diverse clients and their work ethics. Our Specialization: Handling of Pharmaceutical Goods (kits to machinery) and Hazardous Cargo. Experts in the field of export, import, and liaison services. A complete logistics solutions company. We are among very few in India to provide complete facilities like documentation, Customs Clearance, Govt. approvals from Drug Controller, DOT, WPC, DGFT, etc. under one roof. Ayras assists with regulatory and statutory approvals. Proud Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) Member & obtained ISO 9001 quality management system (QMS) certificate.