Ingenieur detudes FTTH (Responsable calcul de charges sur appui FT/BT at M2C - Praha, Praha, Czech Republic
M2C operates in prestigious facilities with high social status, administrative complexes and hotels. It also provides services to shopping and entertainment centres, retails and modern industrial sites. Our customers are Czech as well as foreign investors, who demand a high level of professionalism and emphasize transparency and moral conduct of their partners. The complexity of our services is based on our knowledge of security logistics, the combination of technologies and physical security as well as on our elaborate facility management.In 2009, it became the largest Czech agency providing facility management services and integrated security services without a foreign ownership share.The structure of M2C is not based on geographical regions. Due to our wide portfolio, the structure based on expert divisions proved very useful. Each of our divisions focuses on a specific field; there are experts on the respective field in each division.Our know-how, rooted in our many years of experience, is constantly developed and shared mainly in our mutual cooperation with the leading experts from the Police Academy of the Czech Republic – the only profession focused university in the Czech Republic