Research Assistant at GeneXplore Diagnostics and Research Centre - , Gujarat, India
Since the inception of medicine timely and accurate diagnosis has been very crucial in disease management. So, the urge for diagnosis took scientist and clinicians to insight of every disease and the journey led them to core of life that is DNA. At this juncture a new field known as molecular medical genetics took birth and since then it played a vital role in prevention, screening, diagnosis and management of various abnormal conditions. GeneXplore Diagnostic and Research Centre have stepped in to the field backed by high end instrumentation with contemporary knowledge and substantial experience.Experienced and qualified team is the strength of centre and provides expert opinion on classical cytogenetic and molecular genetics services. At GeneXplore we adhere to the highest standards of professionalism and ethical practices to establish trust of patients and clinicians on us. Dedicated effort of team will deliver the best outcomes and highest quality service through the creative ideas, interdisciplinary approach and research.The centre not only provides precise diagnosis but is also involved in research to improve the tools of diagnosis and increase the high through puts. Awareness in common people, patient's counseling, guidance for multifactorial complex genetic diseases are some of the interwoven activity of the centre. GeneXplore Diagnostic and research centre also provide the solution to the researchers of the country.