Our Mission: WinIT Leadership is an organization for women in IT that provides its members with resources around mentoring, trainings, knowledge sharing, networking and career growth opportunities. Our main goal is to empower women by giving them the tools and resources they need to build their networks and take their careers to the next level. Why WinIT? The following are the facts: -Women make up only 26 percent of the computing workforce, and only 18 percent of undergraduate computer science degree recipients today are women—a number that has dropped from a high of 37 percent in 1985. (Women In Tech, Glamour, November 2014) - 53 percent of the women left tech-intensive professions for other work, compared to 31 percent of the men. (High Potentials in Tech-Intensive Industries: The Gender Divide in Business Roles, Catalyst, October 2014) - Women were more than twice as likely to say that having no role models was a significant barrier to their advancement (18 percent to men's 7 percent). Fewer aspired to the C-suite (84 percent to men's 97 percent). And they were more likely to downsize their aspirations (37 percent to men's 25 percent). (Catalyst, October 2014) Follow us on Twitter @WinIT_Leaders