Grey Matter MediaGrey Matter Media CC. Reg. No:CK: 2002/088663/23. Vat No: 4880206059. Directors: Mark Kaplan & Xola Mkefe.11 Park Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700.Mission Statement:Conceptualized as a creative think-tank that would approach issues with the combined experience of black and white South Africans, Grey Matter Media is geared towards the production of incisive and timeous media productions.Grey Matter Media refers also to a level of maturity, understanding and sensitivity that it has taken years (and a few grey hairs) to accumulate.Grey Matter Media is a CC founded in April 2003. Currently Mark J Kaplan and Xola Mkefe are the two Directors of the company.Grey Matter Media is committed to an affirmative action policy and wherever possible employs and trains previously disadvantaged people, on a production by production basis. Grey Matter Media specializes in social documentaries, with a special focus on human rights and environmental issues.