Green Heart Nature Club, [GHNC] (Reg No. RS/1576 of 1993-94), is missioned to restore the ecological integrity of our environment by empowering community-based conservation. With decades of tireless delivery towards its vision through high quotient of social trust, the organization's ethos was rewarded with registration under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976.GHNC functions in North-East India on sustainable ecological programs with the vision to preserve the Nature, the wild habitat of the fauna including the species on verge of extinction and cares in parallel for the development of the communities thriving around such ecology.GHNC is involved in Disaster management, organic farming, humanitarian aid protect extinct species. It also undertakes Educational, Environment Awareness Events to the dense of Himalayan forests in the state of WB, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and North-East Corridor with the true spellbound experience of Untamed Nature.Green Heart Nature Club is also registered under clause (a), section 12A and section 80G of Income Tax Act, 1961.