PRK Productions is also known as Parvathamma Raj Kumar Productions is an Indian Film Production Company, founded by Puneeth Rajkumar and Ashwini Puneeth Rajkumar in 2017. Based in Bangalore, with main interests in production and distribution of Kannada films.PRK was named after Puneeth Rajkumar's mother, Parvathamma Raj Kumar. First featuring movie is "Kavaludaari" began to production in 2017, Hemanth Rao directed the new thriller film in his second venture. Rishi, Anant Nag, Achyuth Kumar played a pivot roles. After successful show of movie, it's been remade in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Hindi. (Remade in Telugu as Kapatadhaari, and Tamil as Kabadadaari.)2nd is "Mayabazar 2016", critically acclaimed and was remade in Tamil as Naanga Romba Busy by Badri.3rd & 4th - LAW & French Biriyani released directly on Amazon Prime Video as Amazon Originals due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic situation.Upcoming, films "One Cut Two Cut", "Man Of The Match" and "Family Pack" are under post production phase.