٠سئÙ٠اÙ٠بÙعات Ù٠اÙشر٠اÙاÙسط ÙاÙدÙ٠اÙعربÙØ© at Aceites Acanto - Andújar, Andalucía, Spain
EVOO ACANTO S,L, finds the most appropriate olive trees plots to develop a new concept of extra virgin olive oil that enhance its medicinal value.We chase the best of the land every year and optimize the results according to our standards.The picual olive is the base of our oils due to its therapeutic properties, its unmistakable flavor and its inherence to Andalusian tradition.We bottle the innumerable healthy properties that the fruit of the olive tree offers to us and we listen to our landscapes that grow health.Thanks to the professional technical team that will lead every trip we will be able to guarantee the best selection of picual olives and their subsequent grinding to achieve the highest phenolic levels to reach our goal: to create a botanikal olive oil.