Bala Phaneendra

Video Editor at Mirror Films, Inc. - Los Angeles, CA, US

Bala Phaneendra's Contact Details
Mirror Films, Inc.
Bala Phaneendra's Company Details
Mirror Films, Inc. logo, Mirror Films, Inc. contact details

Mirror Films, Inc.

Los Angeles, CA, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Mirror Films is a creative collective of brilliant award winning visual storytellers, each bringing an elevated sense of style and vision to the screen. Mirror delivers distinctive, memorable entertainment to our clients that is reflected in repeat TV campaigns, music videos, features, documentaries, branded videos and digital media we create for top brands like Anheuser Busch, Toyota, Chevron, Nike, Puma, Target, Sony and Sprite. We partner well with agencies and clients because our expertise extends across key genres - automotive, food, action sports, people, comedy, beauty and kids. We are streamlined and efficient - small enough to brainstorm one on one and big enough to tap our resources globally. We come with ideas to meet the demands of today's new integrated media landscape while backing those ideas with a solid reputation and long running track record for delivering good work. Although Mirror specializes in commercials, because of the varied backgrounds of its talent and its executives, the company is uniquely situated to pursue projects based on interest. This year Mirror expanded and produced both large format films and documentaries. Fan us on Facebook!

Commerical production Music Video Television Film B2B Entertainment/Media Entertainers and Entertainment Groups Entertainment
Details about Mirror Films, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Bala Phaneendra
Bala Phaneendra currently works for Mirror Films.
Bala Phaneendra's role at Mirror Films is Video Editor.
Bala Phaneendra's email address is *** To view Bala Phaneendra's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Bala Phaneendra works in the Entertainment industry.
Bala Phaneendra's colleagues at Mirror Films, Inc. are Mirror Films, Minna Ibrahim, Kanyessa McMahon, Eric Barrett, Michelle Watson and others.
Bala Phaneendra's phone number is 323-464-7767
See more information about Bala Phaneendra