BRAIN SECRETS DITA is the only Dermatoglyphics Company based in India with a globalized vision. Besides, we are the first company to introduce Dermatoglyphics practicing WITH Manual Analysis System into India. We also have a team of professional Dermatoglyphics practitioners and lecturers specially trained to cater to the local market.Dermatoglyphics is a profession which consists of embryology, genetics and psychology. In the earlier days, some foreign company introduced the technology into local markets but their operations were based on the franchising model. These foreign companies were unable to penetrate into the local market because they could not adapt the domestic strategy. Consequently, these franchises kept changing hands as the agents failed to develop the local market..BRAIN SECRETS DITA is also a company which implements both globalization and localization strategies. This allowed us to become India's fastest growing and the most Trusted Dermatoglyphics Company. We are also the most qualified, well-trained Dermatoglyphics practitioners. As per our company Mission, our 1st goal is to serve this Life Changing Technology to Developing Nations rather than developed nations.