Cannibale Royale Ruysdaelkade, brasserie extraordinaire fulfills all needs for anyone who loves good food, lots of meat, exotic beers and the most beautiful wines. Cannibale Royale Ruysdaelkade is a bar where you can feel like a prehistoric being again. The kitchen is open from breakfst (breakfast beer!) till (after) midnight so you are always welcome to drop by for a delicious cocktail or special beer to compliment our meaty treats.Forget all hypes about haute cuisine for a minute, it's time to enjoy everything that is tasteful, rich in flavour and is just simply good.Un bisou de Cannibale Royale Ruysdael!Sunday – Thirstday 10:00 – 01:00Friday – Saturday 10:00 – 03:00breakfast, lunch, diner, drinks, bbq, bar