Private Equity M&A and Corporate M&A consulting Key areas of expertise : demand analysis, value chain dynamics, competitive positioning, business plan assessment Key sectors covered : retail, online travel, energy, healthcareLatest deal involvement : Newrest (airline catering) Archos (Internet tablets), Go (online travel), Ceva (animal health), XXX (online package retail - ongoing), XXX (managed print services company - ongoing)Other major deals : Cegelec, Webhelp, Etanco, Hedis, Cotecna, Heurtey Petrochem, Medi Partenaires, AES Chemunex, Interflora, Precimed, Pom'alliancePrivate equity clients : APAX Partners, LBO France, Axa PE, OFI PE, FSI (Fonds Stratégique d'Investissement), European Capital, ABN Capital, Alpha Associés, Financière DentressangleCorporate M&A clients : TOSHIBA, Alstom Power, Carrefour, LafargeOther corporate strategy projects : Carrefour, Alstom, Lafarge, Areva, Arcelor, Nordest, ARCEP, Cegetel, OCP (Office Chérifien des Phosphates)