Smart Edge Limited is a very young wireless solution company with focus on providing revenue driven mobile content and other value added services to the consumer. Founded in September 2012, the company is providing solutions to the most leading telecom operators in Ghana and has developed partnerships with various content aggregates and providers. The telecom market in Ghana is a very competitive environment which is about to get even more so with the imminent launch of Ghana's sixth cell phone provider. In the past most of the competition centered on price tariffs and although there wasn't an outright price war, voice, data and SMS prices have dropped considerably in the last three years because of competitive tariff reductions, which is good. Hence the more reason for Smart Edge Limited to venture into such an area. Our Company seeks to offer innovative, customer-centric and relevant mobile products and services. Our Company provides a friendly and fun place to work, a place where every opinion is valued and respected. The Company is being promoted by young technocrats to cater for the incredibly growing mobile industry.