OUR VISION is to live in a world where people have an intimate, contemplative, compassionate and caring relationship with sickness, aging and death. In doing so, we embrace whatever we experience in life with greater dignity, ease, love, acceptance, awareness, tenderness, curiosity and reverence for all that arises and passes away.OUR MISSION is to transform the nature of care giving through contemplative practices that provide a foundation for caregivers, individuals and loved ones to courageously meet sickness, aging, death and dying with deep awareness, acceptance and compassion, fostering excellence in care and the possibilities for greater learning and spiritual growth for everyone, grounded in Zen.To support our Vision and Mission, New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care offers:• Contemplative Education and in-depth training in contemplative care practices for caregivers, lay and professional alike• Compassionate Contemplative Care for individuals and loved ones experiencing sickness, aging, death and dying via community based palliative care programs and a planned end of life care residence, designed to serve as a teaching facility and prototype for best practices in contemplative palliative care• The Zen Center as a loving space for meditation and shared community for the practice of deepening generosity, ethics, patience, diligence, concentration, loving kindness and wisdom, and alignment of one's core values in service