Advogada at Papini & Mascarenhas Advocacia e Consultoria - Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil
MP Advocacia e Consultoria Empresarial is an innovative, active and intelligent law firm whose commitment is in the tireless pursuit of the best benefit for our clients. The development of the works and commitments is in tune with our clients, whose relationship is close and personalized. We work under the premise of celerity, punctually fulfilling our commitments and always aiming to conduct the legally relevant issues in the long term. We have as a principle to work close to the entrepreneurs, in order to add value to your business bringing solutions adjusted to the reality of each client, aiming for a safe and consistent growth. For us, each client is unique, in this way, we have a team of highly qualified, experienced and specialized professionals, ready to offer, with total security and efficiency all the support your business needs.