Regional Director, Minority Business Assistance Center
The Urban League of Greater Cleveland (ULGC), a community-based nonprofit organization was established in 1917, in response to the needs of families migrating from the South to urban cities in the North. Leveraging its assets as advocate and service provider, the UL GC helped to mitigate the issues of housing discrimination, limited access to employment, quality education, and poor landlord – tenant relations. In its ninety-eight year history, the ULGC has delivered upon this mission: To enable African-Americans and other minority members to develop and exercise their potential on par with all other Americans through education, research, advocacy and provision of services. By partnering with government, corporate, and community organizations ULGC’s ability to effectively respond to the needs of those on the economic and social margins has made the Urban League of Greater Cleveland a safe place for the community to come. As we approach our Centennial Year in 2017, the Urban League has answered the charge of becoming a multifaceted services delivery organization with a Systems Driven-Community Responsive Model. There are many systems within the community that can be challenging for underserved populations on the economic and social margins. Thus resulting in skills gaps that negatively impact their ability to fully participate in the real employment opportunities before them. The Urban League is firmly positioned at the intersections of Education and Youth Development solutions; Entrepreneurship & Business Development; and Workforce Training & Employment Opportunities. From this vantage point, we are well equipped to understand multiple systems, the challenges and how to strategically move through the landscape with a spirit of collaboration. We are also uniquely positioned to keep our finger on the pulse of community needs while serving as an intermediary for positive community impact.