Barbara Schaik

Eigenaar/owner at scherpte diepte Consultancy - Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

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Barbara Schaik's Contact Details
Amsterdam,North Holland,Netherlands
scherpte diepte Consultancy
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scherpte diepte Consultancy

Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands • 1 Employees
Management Consulting

Welkom! Ik ben Barbara van Schaik. Onder de noemer scherpte diepte Consultancy ben ik werkzaam als interim (project) manager en management consultant. Met name op het gebied van vraagstukken rond verandering en leiderschap, op zowel individueel als organisatie niveau. Mijn stijl en manier van werken laten zich het best omschrijven als: empathisch, analytisch en met humor.Scherp én diep. Ik heb (internationale) ervaring in alle facetten van leidinggeven aan verandering: organisatieveranderingen, reorganisaties, het implementeren en het optimaliseren van systemen, procesoptimalisatie, outsourcing en offshoring, cultuur verandering en coaching.Ik ben lid van de Nederlandse Orde van Beroepscoaches (NOBCO) en gecertificeerd NOBCO/EMCC Foundation Coach.Ik ben ook fotograaf. Regelmatig zet ik beeldtaal, creativiteit en fotografie in als instrumenten in coaching, team begeleiding en workshops. En ik ben beschikbaar voor portret en documentaire fotografie, voor privé en zakelijk gebruik.+++Welcome! I am Barbara van Schaik. I am an independent interim (project) manager and management consultant. My expertise and focus are change and leadership issues at both individual as well as organisational level. My style and way of working are best described as: empathetic, analytical and with a sense of humor.I have (international) experience in all aspects of change management leadership: organizational change, restructuring, implementing and optimizing systems, process optimization, outsourcing/offshoring, culture change and coaching.I am a member of NOBCO (Dutch Council for Professional Coaches) and I have a NOBCO/EMCC Foundation Coach accreditation.I am also a photographer. I regularly use visual language, creativity and photography as instruments in coaching, team support and workshops. And I am available for portrait and documentary photography, for private and business purposes.

Details about scherpte diepte Consultancy
Frequently Asked Questions about Barbara Schaik
Barbara Schaik currently works for scherpte diepte Consultancy.
Barbara Schaik's role at scherpte diepte Consultancy is Eigenaar/owner.
Barbara Schaik's email address is *** To view Barbara Schaik's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Barbara Schaik works in the Management Consulting industry.
Barbara Schaik's colleagues at scherpte diepte Consultancy are and others.
Barbara Schaik's phone number is
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