Posner Healthcare Consulting delivers high-quality, affordable healthcare advisory and consulting services with a focus on thorough and data-driven analyses. Consultants have unique cross-industry experience yielding demonstrated success in operational and strategic alignments between those involved in the delivery of healthcare services. With over 30+ years of experience in managed care contract negotiation, medical cost analysis, provider reimbursement & incentive strategies, and managed care laws & regulations, Posner Healthcare Consulting provides a wide variety of healthcare consulting services, including (but not limited to): 1) managed care contract negotiations, 2) medical billing and claims analyses, 3) healthcare policy development, 4) expert witness/testimony services, 5) healthcare investment advising, 6) patient advocacy, 7) article writing on healthcare topics, and 8) RFP and grant development. Owner, Barry Lionel Posner is author of "Take Control of Your Healthcare Costs," a consumer's guide to affordable healthcare.