Head of Employee Benefits & Office Manager Breda at Knowingo - Breda, North Brabant, Netherlands
What differentiates Knowingo? Knowingo is an unrivaled cloud-based learning platform that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Gamification to truly revolutionize the way people learn. We help organizations with 100 - 10.000+ employees to solve vital knowledge problems. Knowingo+ is the only learning platform in the world that delivers decisive insights of fundamental knowledge of each participant. How much does the knowledge gap cost you? Practice shows that employees only possess approximately 40% of the required knowledge to perform their jobs properly. This 'knowledge gap' costs companies and institutions many millions of euros every year and also brings all kinds of potential risks that can have a high impact on reputation, turnover, profit, customer experience, employee satisfaction, and productivity. What is our mission? Our mission is to close the knowledge gap and ensure that vital knowledge sticks. We help employees to increase their knowledge and learn things that really matter in a fun, effective and measurable way. Instant dashboard analysis reveals whether this knowledge has been internalized and remembered. Based on impressive best-practices in various sectors, we create sustainable value and growth for our customers, their stakeholders, and society. Our proven state-of-the-art technology contributes to improving business results, productivity, customer satisfaction (NPS), employee satisfaction, identifying talent and subject matter experts, saving costs and securing compliance rules. Our mobile app helps people to learn anywhere and at any time in a fun and gamified manner. Meanwhile, our AI measures the way every one of your users learns and offers them an optimal personalized learning path.Are you ready to solve the knowledge gaps within your company and lead your company to success?Book a Demo with Knowingo on our website!