Design for virtual theatre, games, mixed reality marketing campaigns and e-learningI direct and design virtual theatre performances, -urban & alternate reality games,interactive web portals and many other new media products.Storytelling through differents kinds of media is something i can do all day long.Besides my part-time job as a teacher at the HKU, I also work on small 2d and3d animation projects I run with other development teams.Together we create and design short animation video's and mini games.I made it "worlds first" in graduating for my bachelor degree (in art and technology)inside a virtual world and my latest achievement is a 2011 spinaward forthe alternate reality game "The Silver Line Society" for Microsoft Netherlands.SpecialtiesWide experience in art & movie directing, design and development for theatre & games productionsand teaching ‘process management in gamedesign' at the Utrecht School of the Arts.Able to quickly translate & visualize an idea in concept phase, using 2D, 3D and 4D.Researching online communities, creation of game systems in an online environment,project management. producing marketing related game campaigns,producing a wide range of custom tailored web content.