Seconds and even miliseconds are important at accidents like fire and explosion, because life safety matters. You should ask for a precaution from experienced team against fire and explosion risks at your premises.Elva Engineering can design, implement and serve systems according to your needs against accidents.Fire, Explosion and Overpressure Protection Solutions- Dust and Gas Explosion Solutions - Explosion Vents - Flameless Venting - Explosion Isolation - Explosion Suppression- Overpressure Protection Solutions - Rupture (Bursting) Discs - Pressure Activation- Spark Extinguishing Solutions- Fire Detection Solutions - Conventional Fire Alarm Systems - Adressable Fire Alarm Systems - Video Image Detection Systems - Gas Detection Systems - Air Sampling Smoke Detection Systems - Linear Heat Detectors - Flame Detectors- Fire Extinguisting Solutions - Clean Agent Fire Suppression Systems - Foam Suppression Systems - Water Suppression Systems - Cabinet Fire Suppression Systems- Ex-Proof (Explosionproof ) Products- Services - Fire and Explosion Risk Analysis - Dust Testing - Site Investigation - Periodic Maintenance - Testing and Training