Our Digital Sparkles, does yours? Digital Sparkles is a strategic training and mentoring agency run by Nicola Jayne Little. If you run or work for, a micro or small business based in the North East of England and would like to reap the rewards that digital marketing offers, Nicola can deliver bespoke planning, training or mentoring sessions for you and your colleagues.Digital Sparkles delivers training on behalf of some of the largest funding providers in the North East including NBSL, The BE Group, Derwentside Business Network and Business Northumberland. Nicola also runs #dodigital an online networking group with over 1150 members; search for the #dodigital group in Facebook and send a request to join- https://www.facebook.com/groups/dodigital/.If you would like further information and can benefit from social media marketing training and mentoring, please contact nicola@digitalsparkles.co.uk