It started with a girl who received a sponsorship for education at the age of 9 in a small village in Kenya. That girl went on to do great things. She is Maisha Founder, Beatrice Williamson and her desire is to give others that same opportunity for education and a "hand up."Maisha Project is an international organization working on local levels in Kenya to empower people to transform their community. Every day children face the risk of disease, malnutrition and hopelessness. In the Nyanza Province of Kenya where Maisha is located, the silent epidemic of HIV/AIDS has stolen the lives of mothers, fathers and children; leaving one out of every three households headed by a child. According to Kenya's Department of Health, one out of every four adults in the Kisumu district is HIV positive.Breaking generational poverty starts with our children.The mission of Maisha is to transform lives and empower communities by providing lasting solutions to address poverty, hunger, disease and under-education. We accomplish that through projects such as Legacy of Hope education sponsorships, school feeding, empowerment/micro-finance, HIV/AIDS care/education and much more. Maisha ignites the passion in all of us to DO SOMETHING! As you engage with "The Maisha Story", you begin to realize the potential in yourself to rise above to create a brighter future, just as Beatrice did. We invite you to become part of the Maisha Story today! We invite you to have the same opportunity to put your passion into action and transform lives by becoming a part of the Maisha Story.MAKE A TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATION online at: OR make a check out to "The Maisha Project" and send to PO Box 570, Oklahoma City, OK 73101.Thank you for choosing to make a difference!