The Funding Network's mission is to build the capacity of Australian grassroots non-profits by broadening our culture of giving and strengthening community connections.We do this through live crowdfunding events where like-minded individuals, foundations and corporations come together to create powerful social change. At each event, three or four social entrepreneurs running grassroots charities, non-profits or early-stage social enterprises pitch for funding. In six-minute segments these presenters share their inspiring stories and invite guests to become part of innovative solutions to community issues.Guests are given time to ask questions and pledge support. Donations start from as little as $100 per person, with the collective goal to raise at least $10,000 for each pitching organisation. Donors are encouraged to give more than funding and follow-up with mentoring, skilled services and in-kind resources to support the causes they feel passionately about.Our engaging, interactive and inclusive events unite people to achieve more as a group than individually. By empowering people to give, we challenge the notion that only the wealthy can make a difference. We expand and deepen the practice of giving and capacity-building by making it collaborative, rewarding and accessible to all.To find out about more about TFN, including our list of events please visit