"For relief of applicant and hiring headaches, take two and call us in the morning" is on our Business Card, a Blue Prescription Vial filled with M&M's Chocolate Candies. Basic Credentials Check, Criminal & Civil Court Searches, Credit Reports & More for all of your background checking needs. Personalized, Local Service, Compliant with FCRA. Decrease your credentialing time, Receive copies of source documents, and One Single Report with all of the verification information needed for your hiring needs. Secure Online Reporting, with ability to enter requests online or via fax. In addition, ask about applicant tracking services, as they are coming soon. PrescribeHire, Applicant Background Checking Specialists is the Name, Slogan, and Logo under which the services of Medical Search Institute, Inc. are being offered, for ease of recognition and finding us back when you need us.