Pittsburgh's FIRST hackerspace! HackPittsburgh is an independent, nonprofit, community-based workshop that allows members to come together and share skills & tools to pursue creative, technology-infused projects. We operate out of a 1700 sq. ft. garage shop in Pittsburgh's Uptown neighborhood. Our focus is on collaboration, education, and community outreach. We offer classes, activities and access to a wide range of tools and materials. Membership is open to all, but typically comprises inventors, engineers, scientists, programmers, hobbyists, artists, roboteers, families, entrepreneurs, and arts and crafts enthusiasts. We're a benevolent group and do not promote or condone illegal activities. The term "hacking" is used in a benign sense, in the context of deconstructing and understanding objects and systems and re-purposing existing materials for new and innovative uses.For more information, please visit our website: http://hackpittsburgh.org